Membership Information

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Prospective members are welcome to call the playgroup coordinators in open playgroups and attend as many play dates as they want to for one month’s time. In addition, they can attend any of the open activities on the Gold Country Mom's calendar in the newsletter for one month’s time. Some activities are for Gold Country mom members only and those will be listed as such. After one months time, the prospective member must contact the Vice President of Membership, Jen Swarbrick at 647-2069, to join Gold Country Moms by signing and returning a liability form and paying the membership dues of $32 per year

If you have questions about our club or are interested in joining in the fun of Gold Country Moms you can contact our Membership VP:

Jen Swarbrick at 
530-647-2069 or

click here to download a membership/liability form

click here to download our bylaws


Thank you for visiting our site!

Gold Country Moms is a non-profit support group for stay-at-home and part-time working moms in El Dorado County, Calif.
P.O. Box 1157 Shingle Springs, Ca. 95682